Posts tagged social media
Can you create stand out design on Canva?

Is the answer found in understanding why Canva exists? I read a post on Facebook written by a designer who was told by a friend that designers are redundant because ‘everyone can use Canva’. This blog post explores best practice, suggests when it could be good to use Canva and when to call on the professionals.

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How to get, and give, meaningful design feedback

How you direct the question and handle the responses matters. How you feel about it matters too. After all, this is putting your brief to your designer to the test. How well do you know your clients?

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Top tips for consistent branding on social media

Once you've taken delivery of your branding package, it's really important to make sure that you are getting the maximum impact from your image use. Why? Your literature and communications work best for your business when they are consistent with your company's established image and increase your audience through trust and familiarity. Here are my top tips.

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