Setting our collaboration up for success

I hope that this code of conduct gives you an idea of the values that are important to Hello Lovely and best practice. I try to lead by example as we all thrive on a healthy work/life balance, the aim of these words is to support and inspire, to set us up for success. Please do feel free to ask questions.

Let’s keep in touch!

  • Zoom calls take place on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please do let me know if you prefer your camera on or off at the start of each call. I do not record calls without permission.

  • I offer 15 minutes consultation for free which is ideal to get to know each other. If you require more details, that’s okay too. I can provide an hour of consultation for £40 which can be refunded on future work. Here’s how to book.

  • Doing the best for all my clients and keeping a healthy balance is important. Giving me at least four weeks’ notice for large projects is great, more is amazing. As soon as the deposit is paid, you are in my diary and we’ll set up a schedule that works for both of us.

  • You will receive a reply within 48 hours unless I have emailed to explain that I am out of office on holiday (your schedule will work around these periods to ensure your work remains on track).

  • If a message is interrupted by technical problems beyond my control I’ll endeavour to contact you by other means if the issue extends beyond 48 hours.

  • I rarely use out of office emails as these are not great for the environment, when I do they are offset by Ecologi.

  • You may not be my only client. You can book me for a VIP Day when I will work on your project only for a set period of time, it’s great for speedy jobs and we can get a lot done together.

  • I cannot guarantee to make up time when work is supplied to me later than our agreed start date but encourage you to keep in touch about any delays, I appreciate that events can happen beyond our control.

  • If you have a last-minute request, you’re welcome to contact me but this may require full payment up front and a rush fees which are incremental as follows: 10% for within 4 days, 25% for 48 hours, 50% for 24 hours, and 100% for same day.

  • I do not use Whats App or accept direct mail for ongoing projects via social media sites, including Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook. I’d hate to miss an important message so the best way to contact me is through this website or email.

Advice for free

  • My Gorgeous Guides page is searchable and contains free advice. Most of the posts are inspired by projects. You’ll find posts on using colours, searching for images, ways of working and checklists. 

  • My portfolio is only a small selection of work produced recently and my career is over twenty years. If you can't see anything relevant, please ask for examples or advice. Here’s a helpful link to my policy on pitching.

  • I charge for my skills, experience, and education I have gained and share with my clients generously and every project I take on.

  • I may record a walk-through of our collaboration via a pre-recorded video at handover points. This allows me to give you more advice or context. I’m told by my clients that they like the simplicity of my explanation and it’s reassuring. We can also get together on Zoom.

  • No question is silly; please ask me. We all start from somewhere and I like to detangle and explain design. You have my permission at all times to ask me to explain any jargon, though I try to avoid it!

Systems and useful information

  • Apps I use that you may wish to know about: Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader for proof mark-up, Google Workspace, Dropbox and Trello. I do not offer training on these but can provide basic advice and links to tutorials.

  • All print project proofs are provided as PDF files.

  • I design using professional Adobe software using Mac. All work is backed up on a Lacie drive and on a Cloud twice each day. 

  • Websites are created using Squarespace or WordPress with wire-frames in Figma or Sketch. I also provide custom coding, retainer services and training.

  • I’m trained in publishing project management, proofreading and image research with the Publishing Training Centre in London. You can use the BSI standard proofreading marks if you like, I know what they mean. 

  • I use a Client Management System (CRM) called Dubsado. You will receive emails from me after agreeing to work with me that will take you to an area to pay a deposit (usually 33% of the overall fee), a secure location in which to view contracts etc. These are not exportable to PDF files as they are contained in the system but you can access them online during the lifetime of our work. 

  • You do not need to know how to use Dubsado yourself; just follow the links, and the system will take care of the rest. You can ask me if you get stuck.

  • If you need help in another area related to design, such as editing or animation, do ask. Once you’re a client, I’m happy to share my contacts.

  • If I’m not free, I’ll do my best to recommend an alternative designer who may suit your brief.

Stages and supply of work (digital and online design)

  • I will provide a Google Drive or Dropbox folder for the supply of website copy and images. Each one will be titled with the website page title and you can load your files to this space, and edit the folder title to the page name you have decided to use.

  • Unless you are experienced in writing copy, I strongly advise that the text has been checked by a copywriter before it is supplied to me. I can connect existing clients to copywriters.

  • All images should be supplied with permission to use and to be suitable for the web. If you need to book me for image research please ask.

  • You can find lots of advice for free on my Gorgeous Guides pages and in my newsletter, Gorgeous, too which is monthly.

Stages and supply of work (print-based design)

  • Copy supplied should be in Word (so your styles are retained) and should be edited, and loaded to a Google Drive folder which I'll set up for you. It is much more cost-effective to have an editor work on the files before designing as they can make alts in Word. Editing the designed pages will require more proof stages; if the text corrections are extensive or I can see editorial issues that will affect the integrity of your project, I may ask you to resupply the text or charge for restyling it.

  • You may wish to employ a proofreader to check the designed pages. If you do not have one, I can recommend qualified and reliable proofreaders.

  • You must know the final page size of your book before you start work with me. Changes to formats later in production may require a redesign and this is an extra cost.

  • When marking up book proofs, please use Acrobat ReaderThis post explains how to do this. Please do not attempt to comment in a Word file or via email as it’s inaccurate. Marking onto paper proofs is a reasonable alternative.  

  • Please do not attempt to export copy from a PDF proof into Word and edit it as it cannot be run back into my software. If you edit a Word file and then sent it back to me to re-set, this will be charged as the book needs to be styled again.

  • Please do not share draft designs including logos or book covers online for arbitrary feedback without prior permission. Until final payment, the copyright belongs to me. This Gorgeous Guide on feedback may be useful.

  • A concept or sample design uses your sample text (as final as possible) to create a design to show you what the final document may look like before all the text is typeset. This is when you need to mark up the design and feedback on fonts, colours and space. We'll walk through this together. 

  • I advise spending time on your proofs and not rushing the feedback, it is better to have fewer stages to reduce carbon footprint. 

  • Each quote contains the number of stages and a charge per extra proof stage, which I use to offset carbon with The Woodland Trust.

  • You can find lots of advice on print design and workflows for free on my Gorgeous Guides

After the project

  • I am happy to write you a testimonial and I love to receive one from you.

  • You’re welcome to share my design work on social media and I’d appreciate being tagged on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn (you’re welcome to follow me too).

  • Holding a launch? I am happy to talk about the creative journey.

  • If you’re happy to do so, I’ll write a case study to share on my website and social media. It’s great to receive a few words from you too in the form of a testimonial which I can share here with links.

  • Please do keep in touch, I love to know what happened next!

  • I offer a repeat client discount for future work.

Carbon footprint

  • On payment of the final invoice, all previous versions of work will be deleted and the final files of the project archived on a hard drive and a cloud. This is to reduce digital carbon.

  • You may have a copy of the source files (which may be in software you cannot open such as Adobe Creative Cloud, and are not expected to but other designers could). Please refer to my terms and conditions for copyright on handover.

  • If you ask me to produce goods, I will discuss eco-friendly options with you, such as bamboo instead of plastic. I no longer design promotional material without checking the green credentials.

  • I will advise on eco-friendly printing and check the paper source for any printer if you ask me to produce the print.

  • All websites are produced with minimal bloat.

  • I actively monitor carbon footprint especially CMS platforms and I’m actively campaigning with website platforms to lower their carbon footprint.

  • I endeavor to explore ways to promote and support eco-friendly practices in work and life. My carbon footprint score is 5.2 tonnes compared to the average 9 tonnes.

  • Good Energy powers the studio.

  • All paper is re-used mostly in my relief print work.

  • All tea drunk is fair trade!

The ethical checklist

  • A client brand or business must not harm. 

  • A client brand or business must be honest and open; no greenwashing is tolerated here.

  • A client brand or business must never exploit another person, place, or situation in its promotion or production. 

  • I love working with people who are passionate about their work. 

  • I plant a clump of trees and offset the carbon via Ecologi when you pay your last invoice!


November, 2023