Design workshop January 2024

Wednesday 24th January 1-2pm (GMT)

Let’s learn about fonts.

In this one-hour, Zoom group gathering I will answer your typographical tangles and provide you with resources so you can continue exploring.

I’ll answer your pre-submitted questions in an information session on fonts and how to use them. I’ll answer in our group time together so that we can learn from each other.


  • Get suggestions to solve problems

  • Gain new insights into fonts

  • Find clarity and understanding

This event is completely free but if you’d like to make a donation to my charity of the year please do so, it’s Streetvet. They provide free veterinary care to pets who, like their owners, are homeless.

I can help you with:

  • Questions about font legals

  • Where to locate fonts

  • Fonts in use

  • Font design and looks

  • General platform advice

What I can’t do in this session:

  • Create a brand or design a website or cover but you can chat to me about your project by booking a time in my diary

  • Design a font

  • Provide specific tech advice for your device

I look forward to meeting you!