Design Top Tips

Explore quick tips and advice on design including branding and fonts to social media, book design, publishing and website design

Print Design Berenice Howard-Smith Print Design Berenice Howard-Smith

Selecting a printer for your work

A romantic attachment to the print book, or a driving desire to see their book in bookstores can drive some authors into making poor print decisions. It’s okay to aim for these goals but be supercritical at the same time. Here’s some important information on print on demand and offset printing and a few important questions I’ll ask you when we’re collaborating.

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Print Design, Books and publishing Berenice Howard-Smith Print Design, Books and publishing Berenice Howard-Smith

Book page design - the process

I was reading a post on a forum last week that asked about employing a formatter and it’s inspired these words as I felt it might be useful to untangle the language and roles. I also tested out Vellum to explore what apps offer and compared this to my bespoke skills. This post walks you though the Hello Lovely book page design process, explains what software I use, why and the stages, plus who to involve, what they do and why you may need them. The post covers print and ebook design across fiction and non-fiction.

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Print Design, Project Management, Books and publishing Berenice Howard-Smith Print Design, Project Management, Books and publishing Berenice Howard-Smith

Book cover design tackled

You’ve heard the phrase ‘judge a book by its cover’, I’m sure and it’s very true when it comes to publishing, in particular, self-publishing when authors have more control of spend and choices. What to put on the cover and how to brief it, who to commission and who does what can be exhausting and overwhelming. I’m going to assume you’re an interested author. This blog post aims to give an overview of the styles of book covers, who does what and best practice. Grab a seat and a cuppa as it’s going to be a long but useful post!

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Book design and publishing: JPEG and other images

How do you know which is best for the work you’re doing? In general, there are graphics formats suitable for printing which have a higher resolution and those for on-screen viewing or online publishing. Within each group, there are also formats that are better than others for the same task. Here’s the Hello Lovely run down on file types.

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