Creative Journal
Read advice on creating a design business, how to be a designer and ethical and legal issues

11 talents that a designer brings to creativity and AI can’t
Here are eleven areas that I believe validate human interaction in design and where AI can’t compete.

Should you work with friends?
Should you work with friends? It sounds great. Working with a person you know and using your skills to help them along with a project. Many service businesses have reported that ‘a picking of brains’ has become hours of free advice that propels a business forward but would otherwise have been chargeable. This article shares a check list and advice on how to protect a friendship.

Hello Lovely podcasts

Design and ethics
Personal preference means that everyone can think of exploration and unethical services in a different way, perception is all. When it is right to turn away business? At what point does paying the bills become more important than ethics?

Don't give away your most valuable asset
Design created for a pitch isn’t 100% perfect, it’s completed to ‘win’ not to meet the needs of the business, product or service through the tested methods of a a good relationship, a collaborative brief, research and communication. It’s free work provided to a brief that could easily express creator bias.

Own your content
Social media provides a free service on which to publish content. If that content is lost for security reasons or comprised data, you may not get it back. Placing your content on your website and sharing it on social media is one way to keep your own work safe.

Onboarding with Hello Lovely Design and Co
Congratulations! You’ve found me and I hope we’ll work together. This journal explains what happens when you get in touch from call to invoice. There’s also information on where I work, software, ethics and inspiration.

What is speculative, crowdsourcing or pitch work?
In this Tips and Tricks post, I will cover the integrity of speculative, crowdsourcing or pitch work so that prospective clients and creatives understand the practice. Maybe you’ve been tempted to enter an award with an entry fee, run a pitch or heard about them in peer conversations.
- acrobat
- adobe
- advice
- apps
- award
- blog
- book design
- branding
- budget
- business
- code of conduct
- content
- design
- design business
- Digital Women
- discovery call
- drive the network
- dropbox
- Dubsado
- eBooks
- ethics
- fonts
- free work
- graphic design
- guide
- inspiration
- interview
- languages
- last pass
- Pecha Kucha
- Pitch
- pitches
- print books
- print design
- project brief
- project management
- publishing
- quote
- schedules
- scheduling
- scope creep
- skills
- small business
- social media
- spotify
- Squarespace
- succes
- success
- ten tips
- testimonials
- translation
- trello
- trust
- video
- we transfer
- website design
- wellness
- wordpress
- WordPress
- workflow
- zoom