Creative Journal
Read advice on creating a design business, how to be a designer and ethical and legal issues

How to be a graphic designer
I often get asked how I got into graphic design and what I think are the best routes. I thought it was about time I created a blog post about it! What skills do I have, what do you need and does a degree help? Find out more in this post!

How to use fonts to create the right reaction
Fonts and how they are used is so important to setting the scene. This goes for memes, websites, print, branding… anywhere you write words and that’s a lot of places. Typography and the way it’s used is always a key part of the branding process
- acrobat
- adobe
- advice
- apps
- award
- blog
- book design
- branding
- budget
- business
- code of conduct
- content
- design
- design business
- Digital Women
- discovery call
- drive the network
- dropbox
- Dubsado
- eBooks
- ethics
- fonts
- free work
- graphic design
- guide
- inspiration
- interview
- languages
- last pass
- Pecha Kucha
- Pitch
- pitches
- print books
- print design
- project brief
- project management
- publishing
- quote
- schedules
- scheduling
- scope creep
- skills
- small business
- social media
- spotify
- Squarespace
- succes
- success
- ten tips
- testimonials
- translation
- trello
- trust
- video
- we transfer
- website design
- wellness
- wordpress
- WordPress
- workflow
- zoom