Creative Journal
Read advice on creating a design business, how to be a designer and ethical and legal issues

Own your content
Social media provides a free service on which to publish content. If that content is lost for security reasons or comprised data, you may not get it back. Placing your content on your website and sharing it on social media is one way to keep your own work safe.

Does perfection really matter?
I was talking to a copywriter client last week about his website, which we are in the process of creating, and he happened to say hard it was writing his own words. I hear this a lot and it’s the same for me with my promotional work and this website. When you go public it’s scary isn’t it?
- acrobat
- adobe
- advice
- apps
- award
- blog
- book design
- branding
- budget
- business
- code of conduct
- content
- design
- design business
- Digital Women
- discovery call
- drive the network
- dropbox
- Dubsado
- eBooks
- ethics
- fonts
- free work
- graphic design
- guide
- inspiration
- interview
- languages
- last pass
- Pecha Kucha
- Pitch
- pitches
- print books
- print design
- project brief
- project management
- publishing
- quote
- schedules
- scheduling
- scope creep
- skills
- small business
- social media
- spotify
- Squarespace
- succes
- success
- ten tips
- testimonials
- translation
- trello
- trust
- video
- we transfer
- website design
- wellness
- wordpress
- WordPress
- workflow
- zoom