Creative Journal
Read advice on creating a design business, how to be a designer and ethical and legal issues
Design and ethics
Personal preference means that everyone can think of exploration and unethical services in a different way, perception is all. When it is right to turn away business? At what point does paying the bills become more important than ethics?
What is speculative, crowdsourcing or pitch work?
In this Tips and Tricks post, I will cover the integrity of speculative, crowdsourcing or pitch work so that prospective clients and creatives understand the practice. Maybe you’ve been tempted to enter an award with an entry fee, run a pitch or heard about them in peer conversations.
What makes a great design collaboration? Setting up for success in ten steps.
When I was first owned by a dog, I was told by our amazing trainer to set yourself (and therefore the dog) up for success. It’s the same with any collaboration - set yourself up for success with your designer (or any supplier) and it’ll be so much easier. What does make a great design collaboration? Here’s ten tips from me. I’d love to hear yours.
Delighted to be one of 40 Digital Women to Watch in 2020
I am delighted to be nominated as a finalist in the Digital Role Model of the Year, Digital Community Leader of the Year, and one of the 40 Digital Women to Watch.
How to be a graphic designer
I often get asked how I got into graphic design and what I think are the best routes. I thought it was about time I created a blog post about it! What skills do I have, what do you need and does a degree help? Find out more in this post!
Does perfection really matter?
I was talking to a copywriter client last week about his website, which we are in the process of creating, and he happened to say hard it was writing his own words. I hear this a lot and it’s the same for me with my promotional work and this website. When you go public it’s scary isn’t it?
- acrobat
- adobe
- advice
- apps
- award
- blog
- book design
- branding
- budget
- business
- code of conduct
- content
- design
- design business
- Digital Women
- discovery call
- drive the network
- dropbox
- Dubsado
- eBooks
- ethics
- fonts
- free work
- graphic design
- guide
- inspiration
- interview
- languages
- last pass
- Pecha Kucha
- Pitch
- pitches
- print books
- print design
- project brief
- project management
- publishing
- quote
- schedules
- scheduling
- scope creep
- skills
- small business
- social media
- spotify
- Squarespace
- succes
- success
- ten tips
- testimonials
- translation
- trello
- trust
- video
- we transfer
- website design
- wellness
- wordpress
- WordPress
- workflow
- zoom