11 talents that a designer brings to creativity and AI can’t

Fiverr have launched an AI model on their platform, and the World Economic Forum report for 2025 flags graphic design as being at risk. Canva and Adobe all have AI tools in their products.

Here are eleven areas that I believe validate human interaction in design and where AI can’t compete.

  1. What a book cover looks like on a shelf next to competitors and why it works or doesn’t work.

  2. The interesting negative spaces between type and why getting that balance is important for a better experience before a product is published or goes live.

  3. How to make a flawless PDFX and design files for printers, reducing carbon load through fewer itterations.

  4. Understanding cultural sensitivities in image use 

  5. Appreciating why fonts, colours or symbols maybe inappropriate for some demographics or areas.

  6. How to reduce the number of iterations to reduce carbon footprint and get the results quicker.

  7. What makes a website flow for the user, and what makes the best website platform for the website owner.

  8. Solving problems so a project stays on track and meets the creative goals.

  9. The balance of a page so that there is space to breath.

  10. What makes a design accessible and testing it to solve those issues and building a library of knowledge around this.

  11. What makes a good font combination (studies have proven that designers beat AI on this).

AI is going to change how we work. 

I remember Mac Classics affecting the skills of printers. I talk to letter press printers about their work which now features on the Heritage Crafts at Riskregister but still have clients who appreciate the uniqueness of fine print and skill involved that cannot be replicated by computers.

There are people who believe design can be done at speed and for low rates, and there are service providers who provide the services for this and create a race to the bottom on price. I feel that’s where the impact of AI is going to land since the quality isn’t relevant; it was those commissioning who would view design as an investment. In the same field are people who lower the fees by throwing words into a generic Canva template as it’s quick, and it doesn’t result in a one-size-fits-all design.

Caring about the end user and their feelings means placing money and trust into a designer. It might mean using Canva or Adobe Express but having a creative customise it for them. Or a designer will create a book using Adobe Indesign’s typography tools to make the reading easier and less frustrating, thereby gaining the author better reviews and fewer complaints.

I firmly believe that design will, and always has been, a craft.

Just like letter press. I’m extraordinarily grateful for my in-depth knowledge so the design decisions happen without overthinking and I can be curious about trying ‘this’ or ‘that’ and can ditch the ‘that’ if it’s not working. I can lean into hands-on and education to know the answers and provide a reason for a design decision.

It might be that AI allows other people to see design as the art form that it always as been and that people will appreciate a skilful, human touch.

Further reading

DACS on the Government consultation and AI copyright

Berenice Howard-Smith

I help clients get from idea to audience with gorgeous design. Hello Lovely is an award-winning, full creative service for print, book and website design plus image and illustration commissioning.


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