Design Top Tips

Explore quick tips and advice on design including branding and fonts to social media, book design, publishing and website design

Does perfection really matter?

I was talking to a copywriter client last week about his website, which we are in the process of creating, and he happened to say hard it was writing his own words. I hear this a lot and it’s the same for me with my promotional work and this website. When you go public it’s scary isn’t it?

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Print Design Berenice Howard-Smith Print Design Berenice Howard-Smith

Selecting a printer for your work

A romantic attachment to the print book, or a driving desire to see their book in bookstores can drive some authors into making poor print decisions. It’s okay to aim for these goals but be supercritical at the same time. Here’s some important information on print on demand and offset printing and a few important questions I’ll ask you when we’re collaborating.

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Print Design, Fonts, Working with Hello Lovely Berenice Howard-Smith Print Design, Fonts, Working with Hello Lovely Berenice Howard-Smith

Eco-fonts, graphic design and eco-friendly practice

Designers can do a lot to help with the climate emergency. We can use our talents to create awareness or translate data to accessible facts, alongside speed and efficiency which reduces power. Designers with knowledge of ethical supply chains can advise our clients on buying choices, reducing proof stages, agile practice and waste (particularly true when it comes to branded plastic consumables).

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