A-Z: 10 apps that I love using

10 apps that I love using

They make my life easier and might help you too.


Not so much an app but software, it’s essential to my business and pretty much the foundation of all the design work I create for you. I am also testing out Affinity but tend to use Adobe as that’s the preference of clients who request archive files from me.


A wellness app with a nice design and meditation based solutions to anxiety and insomnia.


Marmite interface - you either love this app or find it confusing. I can easily get lost like many people, but it’s still essential for shared workspaces.

Google Docs

I use Google Docs instead of Microsoft. I like that it’s online and I can access material from any location.

Last Pass

A password manager that offers free and premium. It helps me to manage my work accounts, my personal stuff and keeps clients details super secure too.


For managing everything with a deadline. It’s so simple to use, create a board for the bit of your life or business that needs sorting and then create lists - to do, queries, completed etc - and add cards under each heading, setting deadlines, adding files and you can move the card when completed.


I use Slack for planning out Podcast episodes with the other presenters. Drive The Network, a great group I belong to also use it for premium members to communicate. It’s also great for planning blog content as I can drop in links and ideas into channels.


Cannot do without it. I use it for podcasts, white noise, loud noise..!

We Transfer

The paid version is secure, the free version is not so keep this in mind when you’re transferring data.


If you’re working with me and we’re not in the same location, you can have me on your computer! I use Zoom for calls, to take clients through their design proofs (even taking in corrections live on screen) and for training too. With the premium account I also record videos of these chats if the client wishes, so there are notes made in context.

Berenice Howard-Smith

I help clients get from idea to audience with gorgeous design. Hello Lovely is an award-winning, full creative service for print, book and website design plus image and illustration commissioning.


Delighted to be one of 40 Digital Women to Watch in 2020


How to be a graphic designer